Traffic Signature
Face Signature Traffic Management System is designed with the combination of neural network technology and artificial intelligence to analyze and management of traffic system, it help government authorities monitor roads in real time with distance measurement system between vehicles and Multi-directional counting of cars turning left or right or sudden stops and automatic detection of pedestrian or vehicle tracking on the roads, accurate vehicle Speed detection, detect and identify Vehicles that cross the line at the traffic lights when the light is red, overtake, opposite direction cars driving, wrong vehicle on the road, traffic jam management and classification of tracked vehicle's color estimation, brand name and model, help to prevent incident and alerts on Intrusion of bikes/humans on the road, detect accidents, fallen debris, wrong directions, improper lane changes, and recognized license plate number, an image of the vehicle, a still frame containing the license plate, date/time stamp, location and address, etc. Our license plate identification technology detect according to several categories like wanted, stolen and expired etc with identify personnel.