[ Face Signature ]

Traffic Signature

Face Signature Traffic Management System is designed with the combination of neural network technology and artificial intelligence to analyze and management of traffic system, it help government authorities monitor roads in real time with distance measurement system between vehicles and Multi-directional counting of cars turning left or right or sudden stops and automatic detection of pedestrian or vehicle tracking on the roads, accurate vehicle Speed detection, detect and identify Vehicles that cross the line at the traffic lights when the light is red, overtake, opposite direction cars driving, wrong vehicle on the road, traffic jam management and classification of tracked vehicle's color estimation, brand name and model, help to prevent incident and alerts on Intrusion of bikes/humans on the road, detect accidents, fallen debris, wrong directions, improper lane changes, and recognized license plate number, an image of the vehicle, a still frame containing the license plate, date/time stamp, location and address, etc. Our license plate identification technology detect according to several categories like wanted, stolen and expired etc with identify personnel.


Traffic Signature for
Law & Enforcement

Traffic Signature can recognize a potential threat in order to keep the personnel safe. Safety is paramount when officers are on patrol, if an officer is aware of a dangerous person on the road, he or she can take the necessary precautions, such as calling for backup, when engaging that threat. Traffic Signature is designed for public security and anti-terrorism it can monitor and match driver face, analyzing the motion of facial features and identify the vehicle that driving without a license. Face Signature can be uses through centralized database of photographs and videos, live surveillance cameras to identifies human face and vehicle to find a match and match a million records per second, making it easy to identify suspect apprehended, suspected fake identification, possible drug user apprehended by operating or law enforcement agencies and registers all vehicles passing through monitored areas. Traffic Signature is proficiency of the entire traffic management system transformed through Face Signature AI technology to provide an immediate access to critical information about suspect’s person or vehicle, creating a chain of efficiencies, including the automatic flow of information from one agency to others, manage all aspects of traffic administration across multiple operators or agencies, while maintaining protective layers of security around sensitive data.

Read more: Law and Enforcement


Safe & Alert Traffic Management System

Traffic Signature data processing gives comprehensive analytics for better understanding of traffic flow. Algorithms can simultaneously read vehicle license plates from multiple moving vehicles as well as surveillance of the travelling speed of cars through important stretches of roads, identify stolen or hijacked vehicles, automate transport registration, and provide access control at secured locations, monitor illegal parking and parking areas and automate the parking lots. It can send alerts to the operating agency and perform pre and post-event recording, import and compares information from the database and collecting real time traffic data.

Read more: Smart Video Analysis Technology


Automatic Transformative Technology

We provide a transformative technology that performs automatically with traffic coordination plans according to various criteria such as time of year, time of day, day of the week, and current traffic conditions. The automated traffic control system perform automatically or manually for each database entry, generate automatic traffic statistics and analysis reports, you can perform database search by various criteria, such as speed range, timeframe of vehicle capture, etc. Data pertaining to all captured violations and crimes at all photo/video enforcement locations, automatically generated reports can be displayed on screen and sent to a unified database used by the system that provide automated traffic ticket generation system.


Vehicle Access Control Management System (VACM)

Face signature Vehicle access control management (VACM) technology is one of the most effective ways to identify vehicles in the traffic flow and in access control places. Our Transformed technology automate and manage network of vehicle access checkpoints such as Weighing Stations, Car Parks, Car Washes and Service Stations, Gated Residential Parking, Hospital Parking, Commercial Parking Lots, Warehouse facilities to track all access activities, Fuel Distribution Centers for Trucks as well as to control access of vehicles to the territory of corporate offices, industrial zones, gated communities, hotels and airports. Traffic Signature VCMS allows users to access the secured area without using their hands or having to stop for ID tag verification.


VCMS Key Features 

Vehicle Control Management System

Traffic Signature VACM technology is a Comprehensive Vehicle Access Management system provides independent and non-‐stop systems for Security, Parking, and Access Control, Automatic Registration of Vehicle’s entry and exit, Parking Guidance, Integration with Access Control Barriers and Gates, Calculation of time of vehicle’s stay, Control of vehicle loading/unloading operations, Easy vehicle & owner enrollment, Enhancing security of the territory (theft and unauthorized access prevention). This technology provides businesses and communities with hands free control to ensure only authorized vehicles have entry, and vehicles can be detected remotely, even at high speeds. This keeps traffic flowing smoothly at toll gates and checkpoints, and brings comfort to people and authorities.