Face Signature Technology
Face Detection
Face Detection is the basic process where a computer system scans an image or an area within its video frame and detects the faces present in view. Face Signature can detect and identify unlimited faces in a frame with any common video surveillance technology and provides high-precision face bounding box and stores metadata of each detected faces which can by use anytime in future.
Identity Alert
Instantly identity specific faces and wanted criminals which are registered in the facial recognition security/surveillance system from data recorded in the past and can be registered in advance anytime to prevent frauds and shoplifting. When such face is detected it will immediately alert the nearest security officers with the intruder information, location and face and also raise an alarm if required. Alarms can notify the operator by displaying pop-ups on the screen, emitting warning sounds, or flashing the camera on the map, etc.
Facial recognition authorization technology
Biometric face recognition system to give access to only authorized individuals for various scenarios and permission-based level entry for every employee.