Law Enforcement Signature

Law Enforcement Signature plays a vital role to prevent crime and accelerate investigations. It is able to instantly identify scenario for access control, surveillance and video investigation. Law Signature enables smart investigation of suspects who are the subject of a police investigation, this require fast and efficient tools.

Face Signature integrates among agencies and provides an immediate access to critical information about suspects, creating a chain of efficiencies, including the automatic flow of information from one agency to the next, while maintaining protective layers of security around sensitive data.

Smart Investigations

Face Signature convey a wealth of information about an individual. It can be used to identify, for example, known suspects who are the subject of a police investigation, this require fast and efficient tools. While public cameras have been used in investigations for years, it can be prohibitively time-consuming to manually search through video feeds to find evidence. Fuelled by a large database of labeled data can enable police to pinpoint a person of interest across a city of networked cameras and also to analyze the information within the tight time frame available to solve a case.

Read more: Smart Video Analytics Technology

Read more: Solution without internet and CCTV Cameras

Law & Justice Institution

Face Signature provides a full digital experience from initial e-filing to probation management. It gives you the big picture of every step and information that you need including case files from police investigations, previous record as per law enforcement agencies, law institution and government data, participants and judgments so you have the complete timeline of the criminal, including who they associated or met with, e.g. lawyers, police officers, family members and even an outsider. Track anything and everything.

Read more: Law & Justice Institution

Secure & Alert Prisons Signature

Face Signature helps to automatically identify and count inmates and guards. A highly intelligent algorithm is designed to automatically detect any suspicious and aggressive behaviors and alerts the authorities of any inconsistencies and identifies, track and manage infectious disease exposure within a jail or prison. It Integrates among agencies provides immediate access to critical information about inmates, creating a chain of efficiencies, including the automatic flow of information from one agency to the next, while maintaining protective layers of security around sensitive data.

Read more: Prisons Signature


Detect Suspicious Behavior

Detect suspicious behaviors with real-time alerts for fight detection, running and crowd gathering. Once the threshold for a “geo-fenced” area is reached, an alert could be triggered to an officer with the location. It can be accompanied with both video and voice recognition system.

Secure Access

Law Signature instantly detects and identify the authorized person and confirms whether they are really who they say they are to secure access to courthouses, jails and prisons that only authorized individuals can enter the restricted areas and receive logs in real-time .

Fake Identity Verification

As suspects often hide their identity after probation violation gave deputies a false name. With face signature you can take a picture of a Person of Interest and do an immediate Face Recognition to match their face and results in a ‘candidate’ list of the most likely matches with their full information and history.

Vehicles Tracking

Instantly Detect and track suspicious vehicles accompanied with detection of vehicle stopped and Real time detecting illegally parked vehicles, vehicle current location and License Plate recognition system

Biometric Surveillance

Law Signature instantly detects and identifies wanted criminals which are registered and immediately alert the nearest security officers with the criminal information, location, face and also raise an alarm if required.

Perimeter protection

Perimeter protection along the fence line or intrusion detection at the border control (e.g. landline or sea line)


Operational Efficiency

Face Signature universal and unique capabilities analyze crime cases and provide end-to-end flexible solutions for law enforcement agencies suitable to every organization standards. It automates processes for police officers to follow a workflow with intuitive interface that input, record & manage incidents, display data including onsite video surveillance, upload documents, build case data, research, analyze and receive insights related to cases. Permission-based access allows case managers, investigators, claims handlers and auditors to communicate and stay organized while keeping sensitive information secure.

  • Manage more investigations with the same number of resources
  • Send and receive messages from HQ Command Center
  • Get all alarms directly on his phone
  • Track investigation activity 24/7 from anywhere
  • Manage, archive and play back all alarms from phone
  • Organize evidence, reports, and events
  • Fastest search speeds in the industry
  • Experience and ongoing engagement with global law enforcement agencies
  • Sophisticated artificial intelligence and analytics system/li>

Automating entire movement of criminal from Booking to Release

A complete comprehensive solution to streamline workflows, checklists and optimize operations with an AI powered platform to automate mechanisms for tracking the criminal booking and release processes and monitoring and identifying the criminal on every step of the workflow and generate real-time graphical status and extensive reports.

  • Facial biometric check to positively identify the person.
  • Quick data entry according to your specific booking standards makes sure that everything is done correctly and up to date.
  • Eliminate duplicate data entry and identify the criminal face with the previous database to expedite the booking process.
  • Capture arrest information directly linked with the court, photos, charge information, background checks, and bail details.
  • AI assistant to free up staff and take complaint from the citizen with questionnaires and assessments.
  • Rapid access to criminal case information available to users based on security roles
  • Intelligent capabilities to manage work allocations of officers to their designated areas.