[ A crime-free city ]

A Smart Crime-Free City

Technology powered Smart City can make cities more effective and safe in the use of resources, which is necessary given the projected fast growth in urban populations over the next decades. Face Signature facial biometrics provides many advantages to meet this requirement and to modernize the city management. It empowers law enforcement, smart schools, smart hospitals, smart prisons, ensures public safety and detects criminals and missing people to the make world a better place.


Intelligent Video Surveillance

The Smart City concept, with intelligent video analytics as one of its essentials, has become the basis of public security around the world. AI-based video analytics make video cameras truly smart by analyzing video content in real-time, extracting metadata, sending out violations alerts and providing actionable insights. A super intelligent vision for government and city managers to innovate the city with power full analytics tool.

Read more: Smart Video Analysis Technology

Read more: Smart Investigations


Smart Tools for Law and Enforcement

Law Enforcement Signature plays a vital role to prevent crime and accelerate investigations. It is able to instantly identify scenario for access control, surveillance and video investigation. Law Signature enables smart investigation of suspects who are the subject of a police investigation, this require fast and efficient tools. Fuelled by a large database of labeled data can enable police to pinpoint a person of interest across a city of networked cameras and also to analyze the information within the tight time frame available to solve a case.

Read more: Law and Enforcement

Read more: Solution without internet and CCTV Cameras


Smart Society Signature

Face Signature digital building system brings a secured and convenient solution to enable a touchless entry option by just using your face across multiple locations. A human face biometric reduce the risk of traditional card access system which can be easily forged, lost or borrowed which enables them to access with building without actual identify verification. Guest visitors can be provided with temporary access pass to visitors ahead of time.


Secure Border Crossing and Public Transport

Face Signature brings a faster and secure travel experience with facial recognition to ensure safety and recognize potential travelers who pose a threat and alert the security team. It automatically detects travelers and prevent illegal immigration or identity fraud and tighten security measures at border crossings. Any crime or suspicious activity is immediately reported to the authority to take instant measures.

Read more: Secure Border Crossing and Public Transport


Traffic Signature

Traffic Signature is designed to help the transport authorities monitor roads in real time with automatic detection of pedestrian or vehicle tracking on the roads and classification of tracked vehicle's color estimation, brand name and model. Traffic Signature data processing gives comprehensive analytics for better understanding of traffic flow. Algorithms can simultaneously read vehicle license plates from multiple moving vehicles as well as surveillance of the travelling speed of cars through important stretches of roads and illegal parking detection.

Read more: Traffic Signature


Digital Health Pass

To reduce the spread of infection rate of COVID-19 and having accurate information about people COVID-19 and other diseases health status, Health Signature ++ has introduce Digital Health Pass which allows health organizations an effective way to help citizens meet their requirements prior to travel or entering a place, it allows health organizations keep track of each and every vaccine and provide details to citizens on where they can get tested and giving them the ability to share their tests and vaccination results in a verifiable, safe and privacy-protecting manner is the key to giving governments the confidence to open borders.

Read more: Digital Health Pass


Detection of suspicious behaviors such as fighting, running, loitering, crowd gatherings etc, and automatically identify the culprits.

Get a full picture of the event from large number of cameras with location and time to find movement of the person and event association for immediate actions.

Receive alerts for incidents like gun shots, glass breaking, serious car accidents and screaming sounds.

Detect and identify Vehicles that cross the line at the traffic lights when the light is red.

Prevent illegal parking for all kinds of vehicles or for specific vehicles

Automatic process for detection for any vehicles violating rules using License Plate recognition.